TIL@FXC Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony: A Celebration of Creativity

手里拿着一条剪带, 恰当地, 学生们帮助创建了创客空间, Head of School Cathy McGehee and Director of Educational Technology Alex Northrup officially opened 威尼斯彩票游戏的创新实验室 (TIL@FXC) Wednesday evening before an enthusiastic gathering of students, 工作人员, 和市民.
“The opening of a makerspace at Foxcroft is a crucial component of our strategic plan to strengthen a curriculum and pedagogy specifically for girls,麦吉说, “One that is intentionally interdisciplinary and that provides real-world learning experiences.
“What makes this space so unique among other schools that have makerspaces is that it was researched, 设计, 计划, 由我们自己的学生预算,她补充道。.
A year ago Northrup convened the team of students that created TIL@FXC and they immediately took the reigns of the project. “It was a joyful experience for me to see their enthusiasm and creativity,“ he said. “我从他们身上学到了很多. Sometimes I had what I thought was a good idea and it was overruled by the students. 这一过程, 就像这个空间, did what we try to do every day — move the students to the center of the learning process. Instead of being passive recipients of knowledge, they are active participants in creating their own learning. They begin to see themselves as makers — 自信, 自信, and curious citizens who are going to make the world a better place.”
小阿玛拉B. 大二学生肯齐·G., two of the students on the “Space to Innovate” team, 也发表了讲话, both expressing surprise and delight at how quickly the project moved from idea to reality.
肯齐说:“我原以为这要花好几年时间. “And now, it’s here already and lots of people are using the space every day and creating things. 太令人兴奋了!”
出席活动的人, which featured Lego candies and student-made souvenirs, included Middleburg Mayor Betsy Davis; Vice President of The Association of Boarding Schools Andy Hirt; members of the Middleburg Professional and Business Association; representatives of Foxcroft partners K2M and Hord Coplan Macht; parents; students; and news reporters.
仪式结束后, 游客们探索了五个房间的空间, observing and talking with girls using the impressive facilities. Some girls were busy making souvenir T-shirts and laser-cut key rings. 其他人则在制作珠宝, retouching photographs on large-screen computers, or using the programmable sewing machine to create intricate embroidery. In the Engineering Shop, students showed off the gliders and drones they had made. 在协作室, summer learning projects from a mathematical analysis of women’s empowerment in four countries to the prototype of a transforming dress being created for the spring production of 灰姑娘 是解释.
And everywhere, the energy and happiness were palpable. “最终,麦吉说, “we are fostering a culture of creativity and joy, 建立技能, 信心, and courage that will prepare our students for success in college and in their professional lives.”

Yes, and letting them have a lot of fun doing it!


为什么是创新实验室? Alex Northrup reflects on the journey and thought process that led to the opening of 威尼斯彩票游戏的创新实验室 in the 最新的博客文章“It's Academic”."
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.